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Sjögren-Selbsthilfegruppe Darmstadt, Rheuma-Liga Hessen e. V. Sjögren-Selbsthilfe

30 Jahre Leben mit Lupus Lupus-Selbsthilfe

Interesting links on Lupus erythematosus, Sjogrens syndrome, Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, connective tissue diseases and autoimmune disorders

Rheumatic diseases: Germany
Other autoimmune diseases: (Germany)
Internet discussion forums
Patients with autoimmune diseases
Connective tissue diseases: Europe
Connective tissue diseases: World
Other diseases: Germany
Informations for Foreigners in Germany
Medical diagnose
Medical databases
Medical information services
Medical institutions
Medical newspapers/journals
Medical encyclopedia
Medical guide
Search engines dedicated to medicine

Rheumatic diseases: Germany

Other autoimmune diseases: (Germany)

Internet discussion forums

Patients with autoimmune diseases

Connective tissue diseases: Europe

Connective tissue diseases: World

Other diseases

Informations for Foreigners in Germany

Medical diagnose

Medical databases

Medical information services

Medical institutions
Medical newspapers/journals
When you enter the keyword "Lupus erythematodes" or "lupus erythematosus" in the "Archive", "Quick search" or "Search for articles" column in these newspapers or journals you will receive a summary of articles, some of which can be read immediately online.

Here you will find a summary of (rheumatological) journals, some of which can be read online:

Universität Regensburg: Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek

Medical encyclopedia


Medical guide

if you know an Internet site dealing with lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's syndrome, connective tissue disease or an autoimmune disease still not registered here, please send an email with the corresponding link to Dorothea Maxin e-mail. Thank you very much.

Chers visiteurs,
Si vous connaissez un site d'Internet au sujet de lupus érythémateux, syndrome de Sjögren, collagénose, rhumatisme ou une autre maladie auto-immune pas encore registrée ici, veuillez envoyer un courriel avec le lien correspondant à Dorothea Maxin email. Merci beaucoup.

Si Ud. conoce una página de internet referente a lupus eritematoso, el síndrome de Sjogren, colagenosis, reumatismo o una enfermedad autoinmune que todavía no ha sido registrada aquí, haga el favor de enviar un correo electrónico con el enlace correspondiente Dorothea Maxin E-mail. Muchas gracias.

Liebe Besucher dieser Webseite!
Wenn Sie eine Internetseite zum Thema Lupus erythematodes, Sjögren-Syndrom, Kollagenosen, Rheuma oder Autoimmunkrankheiten kennen, die hier noch nicht verzeichnet ist, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail mit dem entsprechenden Link an Dorothea Maxin E-Mail. Vielen Dank.

Drodzy użytkownicy tej strony internetowej!
Jeśli Państwo znają stronę internetową dotyczącą tematów: toczeń rumieniowaty, Zespół Sjoegrena, kolagenoza, reumatyzm lub choroby autoimmunologiczne, które tutaj nie są jeszcze odnotowane, proszę niech Państwo prześlą maila z odpowiednim linkiem Dorothea Maxin Kontakt. Bardzo dziękuję.

Добрый день.
Если Вы знаете ссылки на русскоязычные ресурсы интернета посвящённые медицинским заболеваниям "красная волчанка", "синдром Шегрена", "коллагеноз", "ревматизм" или "аутоимунное заболевание", которые не были приведены, пожалуйста, пришлите, электронное письмо с этими ссылками на адрес Dorothea Maxin е-Мейл. Мы будем Вам очень благодарны.

(Last modified: 4.9.2024)


LEO (English-German)

Faces of Lupus - Wenn Sie dieses Bild anklicken, werden Sie sehen, dass Lupus-Betroffene Menschen wie Du und ich sind

The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided:


Dipl.-Psych. Dorothea Maxin - Gervinusstr. 47, D-64287 Darmstadt - Germany - e-mail